Homeopathy is a gentle, holistic system of healing, suitable for everyone, young
and old. Homeopathy focuses on you as an individual, concentrating on treating your
specific physical and emotional symptoms, to give long lasting benefits.
Homoeopathic medicines are very quick acting and efficient medicines. It acts fast
and effectively on all acute cases such as diarrhea, fever, cough, cold and pains.
It is unfortunately a false impression that homoeopathic medicines act slow. One
of the reasons for such a miss - conception could be due to the fact that in spite
of its tremendous potential to cure common acute aliments, Homoeopathy was being
widely used for treatment of chronic and uncommon ailments which are incurable by
conventional treatment.
Homoeopaths took on these chronic cases rejected by conventional doctors and proved
the system of homoeopathy with a very high success rate. But naturally as all chronic
cases take time to reverse; these conditions took some time to be cured. But in
reality Homoeopathy acts quickly on both simple and complicated cases. Only a chronic
ailment developed over a period of many years may take some months to heal.
It is a fact that homoeopathic medicines have no side effects. Homeopathic remedies
are a unique, potentised energy medicine, drawn from the plant, mineral and animal
worlds. They work by gently boosting the natural energy of the body, and are very
safe, even for pregnant and sensitive patients. There is no danger of addiction
or toxicity.The term ‘side affects’ of a medicine comes from modern pharmacology
(A study of Allopathic Medicines).
Conventional drugs are aimed at one area of the body such as the cardiovascular
system, the gut, the kidneys, etc. Though they have a primary area of action, they
also affect other areas of the body. If these effects are undesirable, they are
known as adverse side effects.Homoeopathic medicines are not employed against one
particular area or organ of the body. The homoeopathic remedy is chosen because
it matches as closely as possible with the totality of symptoms of the patient.
Side effects, such as tissue destruction, do not occur under Homoeopathy.
Homoeopathy is recognized by an Indian Act of Parliament in 1973, and accepted as
a National system of medicine. More than 19 State Governments in India have also
enacted State legislation and constituted State Boards /Councils to regulate the
Homeopathy is used to treat everything from acute fevers, sore throats and toothache,
to chronic illnesses such as arthritis, autism, asthma, renal stones, skin problems
like Eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis. Like any other systems of medicine, Homoeopathy
has its own limitations. Through Homoeopathy, any ailment acute or chronic, local
or general can be treated except diseases where surgery is unavoidable. Some of
the so called surgical problems like enlarged tonsils, sinusitis, piles, fistula,
kidney stone etc, in its early stages could be treated with Homoeopathic medicines
to a large extent.
Homeopathy has been used in the India and all over the world for more than two hundred
years, but has an honourable tradition dating back to ancient Greece based on the
philosophy of Hippocrates. It was Samuel Hahnemann a German allopathic physician,
who followed these Greek principals and being a brilliant doctor working in 1796
he developed the scientific and philosophical foundations of this gentler way of
healing. These scientific principles form the basis of successful homeopathic practice
today. Homœopathy offers a method of maintaining health and preventing illness.
The Homoeopathic medicines are dynamised by way of diluting and succession of crude
natural substance to activate its inherent properties. By this way the original
drug substance is reduced to extremely low quantity. These medicines act on the
immune system of the individuals and thereby strengthen it so as to enable the body
to fight illness.
Homoeopathy is one of the scientific systems of medicine based on the Principle
"Similia Similibus Curentur" which means, "Let likes be treated by likes". Dr. Samuel
Hahnemann, a German Physician enunciated this Principle. It is proved that the medicine
which can cause a set of symptoms on healthy human beings can cure the same symptoms
in diseased patients.
It is myth regarding restriction in diet like onion, garlic, perfume, paan (beetle
leaf) and tobacco. These medicines have been used on patients who are habituated
to coffee and betel. It always acts. But when certain medicines are given, such
restrictions are a must. Otherwise the action of the medicine may be nullified.
Asking not to use paan, or cigarette on the other hand are safe and healthy restrictions.
The safety of homoeopathic medicines is well known. A lady who is pregnant can safely
take them if required. But it is always advised to take the opinion of a qualified
Homoeopathic doctor in such situations.
In most cases the 6th potency should be used, but choosing the right remedy and
the potency is a very important decision. If the remedy is right and the potency
is correct, the results will be good. It is thus advised that a professional homoeopathic
be consulted before any medicine is taken.
Many people prefer to be benefited through natural treatments rather than by conventional
drugs or surgery. Public is also anxious about side effects of conventional drugs
and about its long continued use, especially where children are involved. In case
of Homoeopathy, problems such as side effects and addiction to a medication do not
occur. Studies shows an increasing number of people are turning towards Homoeopathy
every year as sales of Homoeopathic medicines have more than doubled in the recent
years. Homoeopathy may be the most appropriate treatment for you.
Homoeopathic medicines seek to stimulate symptoms, not suppress them, so that the
body will overcome the disease naturally. Therefore, if symptoms are aggravated
briefly, this usually means that the medicine is acting.
Success of Homoeopathic practice depends on the availability of quality drugs. The
manufacture and sale of Homoeopathic drugs is regulated under the provisions of
the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 by the Govt. of India.
The Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Committee was established in 1962 in India to lay
down the standards for the Homoeopathic drugs. Worked out standards are released
by the Ministry of Health and Family welfare in the form of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia
of India. Six such volumes have been published.
The Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Laboratory was established in the year 1975 in India.
It is a standard setting-cum-drug testing laboratory at a national level. It has
been declared as Drug Testing Laboratory for the purpose of quality control. It
combines contemporary advanced technology with indigenous know how and needs.
The Central Council of Homoeopathy is a body corporate established under the provisions
of "Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973" to maintain Central Register of Homoeopathy
and matters connected therewith. This Council is responsible for maintaining the
minimum standards of education in Homoeopathy.